Friday 27 February 2009


ANI the 3rd person who minta aku update kan blog dorang.
first, ajib then muiz.
thennnnn NAFEEEES.
jealous wah ni si nafees ah :P

NAFEES NAFEEES je faim :( Masa ani, kau makan. Aku jealous ni. Banar banar. Aku tais liur spaghetti, pizza, pasta, kerupuk, ayam. 8) Aku mau makanan ani. If ada urang bagi makanan ani semua rah ku, aku sayaaaaaaaaaaang ia ni. Bahagia bahagia! apan.

aku mau makan wah ni!
aku mau..

apan apaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
BAH, ani panjang ni sudah.
puas puas? :)
BAAAAAAH, lovelovelove!

Thursday 26 February 2009


23rd February.
It's Brunei National Day. We've been a 'merdeka' country for 25 years now. Im proud to be a bruneian. HAHA. (: okay okay. i slept at 4.50 am that morning, i'm sure you guys wondered what were we doing?? haha well Izaan Muiz bercerita haha sepanjang pagi. me and najib couldnt sleep because cerita nya cali wah and siok. i woke up at 7 to see muiz already berbaju. so terus mandi, si ajib pulang dulu tu.haaha NATONALDAY CELEBRATION WAS okay lah panas wah. boring ku sudah melihat setiap hari haha. afternoon ke rumah si adeeeq. wahh doa selamat, siok eh. siok banar. bila lagi doa selamat???? nanti aku bbq aku panggil kamu. on discussion ni pulang. kalau ayahanda mahu. HAHA bah bah. adang.

p/s: za, where are you???

Wednesday 25 February 2009


aku kau aku kau.
hahahaha. apan.
nafees thekthi! :P
lavyerrrrrr (L)
- za. :)

Sunday 22 February 2009


kau sama muiz kacau aku tidur.
jahat wah kamu ahh.
anyway, nah aku updatekan.
aku mau makaaaaaaaaan!

eh first time ni aku update blog mu ah.
my second client. :P

izza azeera just updated nafees's blog.

Thursday 19 February 2009

Hai! haha. Aku boring ni iatah ku post haha. I woke up at 6 o'clock the first time aku bangun awal sepanjang cuti ku 3 bulan ani HAHA. Si alarm clock punya pasal tu ;p haha.

Anyway im late for my appointment di stadium with partof acl. Sekajap lagi ah. Aku ke Bibd ni. 5minutes sampai, apaaan. Haha

Wednesday 18 February 2009


sorry sorry ah, nada updates batah sudah rupanya since my last post apakaann. hahaa okay. here's the updates:-

11th February.

Celebrated Nayeef's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAYEEF haha. we made a surprise party for him di Ahan thai. aku sama si syam belanja the meals. sekali sekala. It was super fun, siok. haha gilaaaa siok.

14th February.

aku ke icc haha with ACL and gonzales. i met a hell lots of people. thanks to yanyan kerna melanja aku minuman 100plus sama ticket masuk ke Dance thingy ah. haha i had fun, balik pukul 10.30 hantar muiz, ajib sama awie. then home. pictures can be found arah blog si nayeef, lutfi, adeeq and malai kali. check saja.

17th February.

HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY TO AMPUAN AL HAZIQ. hahaa sorry puan aku message kau pukul 12 labih. sorry lambat haha. enjoy your new 1000D. aku nda dapat membali pun dapat jua minjam arah mu. HAHA anyway enjoy.


woke up at 7.45. di kejuti oleh my mum, awal awal nda dapat tertidur ku lagi. but then sekali ku mendengar suara bapaku yang nyaring atu, terbangun tah ku. i woke up this early, its because ive got to sent my dad's car to jati transport due to be service and his documents to Standard Charted bank. i ate soto tadi, nyaman eh.

went back home, tarus tidur haha now blogging.

Tuesday 10 February 2009


OKAY OKAY, haha since Falah said and mentioned all the teachers who have taught us, so i want to ikut-ikutan also HAHA.

Lets start with:
  • CIKGU AKMAL- cikgu akmal taught us Bahasa Melayu. Every time when he starts to teach us, we always had a good laugh. I appreciate everything you ever done to me, I got a B4 for you, sorry cikgu aku tahu pulang nda mencukupi tapi what the heck bersyukur ku cikgu haha. He also happens to be Our Badminton coach, haha ive beaten you once and sure cikgu aku mahu kalah kan cikgu lagi, maritah hahaa. We followed his car also a few times, i remembered going to icc, mengacau barangnya di kereta haha falah, aku ingat siapa masih hahaa. Overall ill rate him 9 out of 10.
  • MR MORRIS- Mr Morris was one of the best teacher i ever had, the best english and temporary teacher there is out there and funny too. i like to fool and follow how he speaks, his english was so cali and not to mention good (y). Overall 8.5 out of 10.
  • MR KUMAR- Mr kumar taught commerce. he was my least favourite teacher, he's so boring when he teaches. most of the time what he taught never really go inside my head which sucks. but when hes outhere hes good, quite a joker abit. haha okay okay at least i got a B3 for you so thank you mr kumar really even though you hardly even taught us haha. Overall 5 out of 10. sorry but you really dont deserve more HAHAHA
  • MRS SHANTI HAN-Mrs shanti was the principal, the best i think hahaa because shes just soooo baikkkk to us. in class she taught us BIO and Chem. i never really pay attention to her, i was busy to talk with either muiz or falah. haha okay okay i pass Combined Science Btw i got an E. thank you for nothing really haha. Overall 6.5 out of 10.
  • CIKGU HAMIRUL- HAHA. hes hilarious just that. he doesnt even know how to teach techincally. haha eventhough hes a graduate from Ubd so what if hes full of Geography inside his head, he just cant teach honestly and no offense cikgu. hahaa so thats the bad side of him, the good side was that he plays football which is awesome for a teacher haha. hes good in football, and played with us a couple of times. okay okay i got an A2 for Geo haha thanksss cikgu. Overall 7 out of 10.thats all just because of the football, the rest nothing haha.
  • MR MUBARAK- Mubarak taught me History which happens to be my favourite subject, and mubarak spoilt everything haha plus i only had Ampuan to talk to besides the girls, the guys had fun with cikgu lauyah IRK haha. Overall 2.5 out of 10. haha soorry,eventhough i got A1. hahaa
  • APIZA- whenever she started teaching us, the class became quiet all of the sudden. Shes so fierce like a HARIMAU. hahaa always pemarah. she likes to release her anger to mostly ME, falah and muiz because we're the only one who brave enough to talk in her class, and most of the chinese. haha. okay. Overall 7 out of 10. eventhough she has anger management issues, shes the best there is and i meant it.
  • NANCY- the smallest of the teachers hahahaaha. i never really pay attention to this. its my least favourite time in school. hahahaaha sorry but overall 3 out of 10. so sorry. hahaha.
last but not least haha DRUMROLLS please haha.

  • VICTORIAH- the maths teacher hahaa i got C5 kaliah eventhough aku selalu fail masa class mu. hahaha. she a pain in the butt haha really banar banar.haha once falah and me was asked to leave the classs, we gladly leave and spend the rest of the period at the kanteen. the next day, as falah said she sweet talked us into going to her class again hahaa and we did. hahaa overall 7 out of 10 haha.
okay okay thats all about the teachers.


Friday 6 February 2009

Gonna miss you.

Hey all. Update ni haha. Sorry for the lack of updates, no specific reasons just malas (: okay okay, first and foremost, im going to MD HAHA. After all the hardships that we've been through ie. Changing the address in my ic.

So now that im in pre-university, i never forget how i have gotten there. It was through st georges. So i have a lots of wonderful memories there. At the first day in the school, i had a thought that i would never going to get used to be friends with them, but i was wrong. It was the football that made us really good friends.

To me, transfering to sgs was just the best move ive ever made. It teaches me a lot that my previous school couldnt by the means of confidence.It offers a lot too.Thanks to the teachers victoriah would certainly be remembered as the hot tempered teacher and many more. Friends that ive made there. Form 5 arts too.

Wah panjang usulnya. Bubye and later. (:

Sunday 1 February 2009

The wait is now over

HAI. Assalamualaikum. Alhamdulilah hirabil alamin, berkat dari Allah Swt saya telah pun mendapat keputusan yang baik dalam peperiksaan olevel dengan 7 o's level.

My thanks to my family, cousins and beloved friends for the support and inspiration you guys gave me. Teachers who work their socks off trying to teach me. Thanks to my driver wahyu for driving me to schools and tuitions.Haha.

Im so happy that i got A's in history and geography. Both my favourite subjects.

P/S: mana si L ani?Hahaha. ;p